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Sunday 18 September 2011

weekend fever not

so i have desided on this blog i am posting 2 mags me and my bff r making mines giggle pop news and hers is fever
heres a few pages of my first one if u guys kno how u get extra topics like on anyaas blg where it says other blogs tell meh in comments or on msp
what dou think of the mag

click to see the, bigger

Thursday 15 September 2011

new comp

 i like this its quite funky what do you lot think :P ?

Sunday 11 September 2011

deal or no deal

so here the deal
 if u send me a gift value 1-300 i will give u 14 autos and rate 20 of ur movie 5*
301+ get double of the cheeper gifts return
it dosnt have to be a wishy gift just mail me how much it costs and i ill rewad u

my secound party :)

click to see them bigger thx all who came it was so busy this time
party at mine lkike now

nother party