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Sunday 18 September 2011

weekend fever not

so i have desided on this blog i am posting 2 mags me and my bff r making mines giggle pop news and hers is fever
heres a few pages of my first one if u guys kno how u get extra topics like on anyaas blg where it says other blogs tell meh in comments or on msp
what dou think of the mag

click to see the, bigger

Thursday 15 September 2011

new comp

 i like this its quite funky what do you lot think :P ?

Sunday 11 September 2011

deal or no deal

so here the deal
 if u send me a gift value 1-300 i will give u 14 autos and rate 20 of ur movie 5*
301+ get double of the cheeper gifts return
it dosnt have to be a wishy gift just mail me how much it costs and i ill rewad u

my secound party :)

click to see them bigger thx all who came it was so busy this time
party at mine lkike now

nother party

167 views in a week thx guys :)


so today i had my first party we played it hide and seek and musical bumps it was so much fun i took a few pics have a look

i changed lol about half way through when some peeps left and some came lol

Tuesday 6 September 2011


im a celeb now thx all who added me love u all (as a mate)

Monday 5 September 2011


so in third place
well done u won an auto
in second place
u win 5 autos 

and first!!! :)
u win a gift and auto 

thx all of you who voted and took part :P


the competition is nearly over i have used every look made of me since the comp started here they are with the names of them as well




my bff is naya


who should win theese where all of the entries love the looks u vote for on my page whichever has most loves wins.

Sunday 4 September 2011

omg thxxxx

this is for everyone who rates my movies I found out in total I have made 7663 thx :) new comp
rules make a loo for me called ur name can be what im currently wearing it can be anything u like best ones will be on here with a pic of u to

to cool for school

 to cool for school

 to cool for school with a blazer

since school starts soon/ already has i made this post there will be more soon also if you survive the first week of school theres a party at mine on saturday 17 4 pm British time zone we are starting at my house then movieg in to chatrooms and more its gonna be so muc fun if you want to add me i am curently in the school chatroom teen high school while ur on here plz could u follow me thx


i already have 2 followers i made this about 10 this morning thxxx everyone




 cailty-babe epicgirl1 and kay359


me and cailty-babe


tina 2 and her bfshivam360

 kay359 aloe blacc i need a dollar me and epicgirl1



me and my husband aloe blacc i need a dollar

thx to kay359 for letting us use her home
thx to everyone for coming
thx for all the gifts
and finaly thx for reading a looking at these pics